The Spiritual Home and Heavenly Mother

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Heaven is our spiritual home.

The spiritual home refers to the place where the soul of a person was born. Home is often used not only in a geographical sense but also in an emotional sense. In general, it is used to refer to peace of mind, a mental foundation, a special place, a family, or a mother. The Bible teaches us that we not only have the body but also have the soul. It also tells us that our spiritual home exists in heaven. The heavenly home where Christians will go to is a place where God the Father and God the Mother—the spiritual Father and Mother who created the souls of mankind—dwell together with us.

Existence of the Soul

The Bible explains that humans have a soul as well as a body.

[T]he LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Genesis 2:7

God created man from the dust of the ground and the breath of life. The dust refers to the body and the breath of life refers to the soul. When the two elements came together, the man became a living being (i.e., a living person); therefore, a living person is formed when the body and the soul are joined together. On the contrary, when a person dies, the two are separated and return to their original locations.

[A]nd the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

Ecclesiastes 12:7

To return means to go back to a place you once were. It is written that the body returns to the ground because that is where it came from and that the spirit returns to God. God is in heaven. It means that our spirits were in heaven with God before we came to this earth. In the Bible, the spiritual beings who are with God in heaven are called angels.

Heaven, the Home of the Soul

Mankind’s Previous Life

The fact that the human soul was originally an angel in heaven can be confirmed through specific examples in the Bible.

  • Solomon and Job
Solomon, the writer of the book of Proverbs[1], said that he existed before God made the earth.[2] Since it was before the earth was created, he could not have existed with a physical body; therefore, Solomon was an angel with God in heaven. In Job 38, God asked Job, “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?”[3] Because Job could not answer the question, God Himself gave him the answer. God said that Job had already been born and that he had lived so many years[4]. This means that Job, just like Solomon, also existed as an angel in heaven before the earth was created.
  • The King of Tyre and the King of Babylon
God referred to the king of Tyre as a cherub, who walked among the fiery stones.[5] We can see that the king of Tyre was an angel who was with God in heaven before he was born as a man on this earth. The book of Isaiah talks about the king of Babylon, and it is written that he rebelled against God by trying to make himself like God in heaven and was cast down to the earth.[6] The king of Babylon was also an angel who lived in heaven before he was born on this earth.

The previous lives of Solomon and Job, and of the king of Tyre and of Babylon are testimonies to the previous lives of all people who live on this earth. Humans were originally angels who lived in the glorious kingdom of heaven, but due to their sin, they were cast down to the earth and were born as humans. This world is like a spiritual city of refuge where sinful angels dwell in the flesh for a while and then pass away. Their home is the heavenly country, which is also referred to as the kingdom of heaven. The forefathers of faith such as Jacob, Noah, and Abraham longed for heaven, the home of their souls, calling their earthly lives a pilgrimage.[7][8]

Heaven Described in the Bible

Just as animals have a homing instinct, humans have the heart to long for their hometown where they were born and raised. The reason men long for the eternal world is because the home of the soul is heaven.[9] There are many descriptions of heaven recorded in the Bible by those who longed for it. Solomon said that before he was born on this earth, he was with God in heaven and wrote that every day he lived a life full of joy and delight.[10] Apostle John, who saw the kingdom of heaven in a revelation, also expressed that it was a place full of joy where there would be no more death, pain, or sorrow.[11] The prophet Daniel said that happiness and glory in heaven will last forever,[12] and Apostle Paul said that everything God has prepared for His children goes beyond the limit of human language and thought.[13] This means that the kingdom of heaven, which God has prepared for us, is a beautiful and glorious place that is beyond human imagination.

Eternal Home, the Spiritual Mother

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
— CONGRESSIONAL RECORD―HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 9, pg. 12029, May 7, 2009

Home is a place where someone was born and raised. Since everyone is born in a mother’s womb, a mother is naturally identified with a home.[14] At times, when someone is happy or sad, they start to think of their mother. This is proof that a mother is like a home. After people grow up and move out, regardless of how far they are, they still go to their hometown on national holidays.[15] The writer of the book of Hebrews also wrote that we have the Father of our spirits who gives us eternal life just as we have human fathers who give us our earthly lives.

Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!

Hebrews 12:9

When we look in the Bible, we see that there is not only God the Father who is the spiritual Father in heaven, but it also tells us about the existence of the Mother of our spirits (God the Mother).

But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

Galatians 4:26

Apostle Paul, who wrote the book of Galatians, refers to the heavenly Jerusalem as the “Mother” of the saints who will be saved. He also wrote that the children of promise, who received the promise of eternal life from God[16], are “children of the free woman.”[17] The term mother is used by a child to call the woman who gave birth to him or her. It means that the saints who are to be saved not only have the spiritual Father but also have the spiritual Mother. Apostle John revealed that the heavenly Jerusalem is the Bride, the Wife of the Lamb. He also said that Heavenly Mother is the Savior who will appear with God the Father and give mankind the water of life (i.e., eternal life) (Rev 22:17)[18][19].

The prophet Isaiah wrote about the blessings that those who longed for Jerusalem would receive.[20] This is a prophecy that those who have received the water of life from Heavenly Jerusalem Mother will enjoy true comfort and joy for their souls. God the Mother gives eternal life[21] to Her children and leads them to heaven. The kingdom of heaven, where there is no more death or pain but only eternal joy and glory,[11] is our spiritual home where our Heavenly Father and Mother are with us and the place where we can feel the greatest love and happiness. Those who long for eternal life and follow Heavenly Mother can return to the kingdom of heaven.

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  • Does the Soul Exist?

See also


  1. "Proverbs 1:1".
  2. "Proverbs 8:22–26".
  3. "Job 38:1–4".
  4. "Job 38:21".
  5. "Ezekiel 28:11–14".
  6. "Isaiah 14:4, 12-15".
  7. "Genesis 47:8–9".
  8. "Hebrews 11:4–14".
  9. "Ecclesiastes 3:11".
  10. "Proverbs 8:27–30".
  11. 11.0 11.1 "Revelation 21:4–5".
  12. "Daniel 7:17–18".
  13. "1 Corinthians 2:6–9".
  14. "Hometown". Encyclopedia of Korean Culture.
  15. "Third of Koreans to travel long distances to visit hometowns during Chuseok". Yonhap News Agency. September 13, 2019.
  16. "1 John 2:25".
  17. "Galatians 4:27–31".
  18. "Revelation 21:9–10".
  19. "Revelation 22:17".
  20. "Isaiah 66:10–13".
  21. "Revelation 22:17".