The Church of God in Charlotte, NC, USA

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The Church of God in Charlotte, NC, USA
The Church of God in Charlotte, NC, U.S.
The Church of God in Charlotte, NC, U.S.
PurposeWorship, Preaching the Gospel, Community Service
LocationCharlotte, North Carolina, U.S.
Belong toWorld Mission Society Church of God
WebsiteChurch of God Official Website

The Church of God in Charlotte, NC, was established in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 2006. The church moved to a new temple in February 2009. Its official name is the World Mission Society Church of God in Charlotte, NC, U.S.

Sanctuary Overview

  • Date of establishment: February 17, 2009
  • Scale: One floor above ground, a total floor area of 694.22㎡, land area of 20165.85㎡
  • Facilities: main worship hall, fellowship hall, conference rooms, study rooms, multi-purpose room, cafeteria, etc.
  • Location: Charlotte, NC


Charlotte is the largest city in North Carolina The state is located in the southeastern part of the United States. In the late 19th century, it was changed from a textile industry to a center for the financial industry.[1] It has grown into the second largest financial and commercial city (following New York) and has been selected as the most livable city in the United States because it has refrained from reckless urban development despite the rapid growth of population.[2] It also has many sports teams and tourist attractions such as the Carolina Panthers (a professional American football team), the Charlotte Hornets(a professional basketball team), and the NASCAR Hall of Fame (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing).

The members of the Church of God in Charlotte, NC, regularly conduct street and park cleanups to create a pleasant environment. They also put God’s love into practice by holding blood drives in their communities.[3] They have invited police officers, who protect the safety of citizens, to the church to express their gratitude and encouraged them to continue doing good work.[4] An official from the Charlotte Police Department said, “Thank you for your volunteer work for the community. We, too, will do our best to help and protect you.”[5]

Additionally, the members donated blankets to children in need, delivered food and daily necessities to flood victims, and took great care of their neighbors in need. They are making efforts to create a bright and hopeful community through various activities such as taking care of tree seedlings in residential areas, cleaning up tunnels and removing graffiti, cleaning forest areas, and applying stickers to prevent illegal dumping.[6]

The Charlotte City Hall actively supported the humanitarian activities of the members and issued proclamations multiple times to encourage citizens to participate.[7][8][9][10][11] In the 2015 proclamation, Daniel G. Clodfelter, the former Mayor of Charlotte, said, “Through persistent blood drives, cleanup events, and volunteer service activities, the Church of God desires to set the example of nurturing and caring for their neighbors.”[12]

The 842nd Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover
The 842nd Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover
The 2,734th Worldwide Environmental Cleanup on the Hornet’s Nest Park
The 2,734th Worldwide Environmental Cleanup on the Hornet’s Nest Park
Environmental cleanup on University City Street
Environmental cleanup on University City Street

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (Gold) from the U.S.
The President’s Volunteer Service Award (Gold) from the U.S.

External links

  • "The Church of God in Charlotte, USA". English WATV.
