The Church of God in Santiago, Chile

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The Church of God in Santiago, Chile
The Church of God in Santiago, Chile
The Church of God in Santiago, Chile
PurposeWorship, Preaching the Gospel, Community Service
LocationCity of La Cisterna, Santiago Province, Chile
Belong toWorld Mission Society Church of God
WebsiteChurch of God Official Website

The Church of God in Santiago, Chile, is located in the city of La Cisterna, Santiago Province. It was established in March 2003 and expanded to a new larger temple in June 2013. Its official name is the World Mission Society Church of God, Santiago, Chile.

Sanctuary Overview

  • Construction: June 30, 2013
  • Scale: Four floors above ground, a total floor area of 3,582.81㎡
  • Facilities: Main sanctuary, small sanctuary, study rooms, multi-purpose room, cafeteria, and other activity rooms
  • Location: City of La Cisterna, Santiago Province, Chile


Chile, located in South America, is known for its long, narrow shape stretching approximately 4,270 km (2,653 mi) from north to south. Its diverse climates range from dry desert in the north to humid, coastal weather year-round.[1] Santiago Province, where the Church of God is located, is the economic center of Chile and a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists, featuring attractions like the National History Museum and the Pre-Columbian Art Museum.

Members of this church continue their life of faith with strong commitment even in their busy daily lives. After the church was established, members visited Korea as an Overseas Visiting Group to learn the truth of the Bible and the “Teachings of Mother.” Members enthusiastically preach the gospel of the new covenant.[2] At the same time, members of all ages unite to share the love they have received from God Elohim with their neighbors through diverse community service activities.

Disaster Recovery

Landslide Recovery in Copiapó, Atacama
Landslide Recovery in Copiapó, Atacama

Members of the Church of God in Santiago dedicate themselves to relief work whenever disasters and emergencies arise. In March 2015, a massive flood in northern Chile caused landslides that buried homes under mud, resulting in significant damage.[3] Church members from Santiago, along with those from Talca, Valparaíso, and other regions, traveled nearly 800 km (500 mi) to Copiapó in Atacama. They prioritized homes in greatest need, clearing mud and debris from the interiors to assist with recovery efforts. One resident, living alone with her 90-year-old mother, expressed her gratitude for the members’ selfless dedication, especially after feeling despair at the overwhelming damage.[4] Following the 8.8-magnitude earthquake in February 2010, the Church of God in Korea showed its support for Chile by holding a charity concert with the Messiah Orchestra to aid earthquake victims, extending compassion from across the world.[5]

Neighborly Love

The 807th “Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover” at the Posta Central Hospital
The 807th “Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover” at the Posta Central Hospital

The Church of God in Santiago actively practices God’s love in the local community. In June 2017, 100 members participated in the “Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover” by donating blood to the San Borja Arriarán Hospital, which recognized their efforts with a certificate of appreciation.[6][7]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, members extended their support to struggling neighbors. They delivered food and essentials to families in need in areas such as Magallanes and Rancagua, hoping for their quick recovery.[8][9][10] Impressed by their dedication, a representative from the Ministry of the Interior invited church members to the Presidential Palace in June 2021 to discuss community needs. In response, the Church of God in Santiago donated food to island communities like Puerto Williams, as well as Aysén and Coyhaique.[11][12][13][14]

Sharing Love With Neighbors Through Food Donation at Aysén County Office
Sharing Love With Neighbors Through Food Donation at Aysén County Office

Puerto Williams residents expressed gratitude, noting, “This is the first time we’ve seen a church reach out to help here.” Minister of the Interior Pablo Galilea Carrillo shared, “The love of these members will bring great joy and happiness to those facing hardship.”[15] Additionally, members took on the risk of infection to support military personnel who were maintaining security by providing snacks,[16] and visited the SOS Orphanage in Macul to offer meals and haircuts to the children. University student members also prepared food packages for families in need, spreading warmth in the community.[17] René de la Vega, Mayor of Conchalí, remarked, “I’m grateful to meet college students serving the community with solidarity. I hope this kind of service continues.”[18]

Social and Cultural Activities

ASEZ’s “Reduce Crime Together” Project at America Street, San Bernardo
ASEZ’s “Reduce Crime Together” Project at America Street, San Bernardo

They are also active in solving various social problems. In July 2019, ASEZ, the Church of God University Student Volunteer Group, engaged in environmental protection by collecting trash on roads and rivers in Santiago. Over 500 church members participated in these simultaneous cleanup efforts across more than ten locations, helping raise public awareness of environmental issues.[19] That same month, ASEZ members carried out a mural-painting volunteer activity in San Bernardo as part of a crime prevention initiative. They cleaned up graffiti and painted Chile’s national flower, the copihue, transforming the neighborhood into a more vibrant and welcoming space.[20]

“Our Mother” Writing and Photo Exhibition at La Cisterna City Hall
“Our Mother” Writing and Photo Exhibition at La Cisterna City Hall
Plaque of Appreciation From the Mayor of La Cisterna (2022)
Plaque of Appreciation From the Mayor of La Cisterna (2022)

In August 2017, the Church of God in Santiago held the “Our Mother“ Writing and Photo Exhibition on the theme of mother's love at the Annex of La Cisterna City Hall, which became a hot topic in the local community. Citizens and figures from all walks of life constantly visited the exhibition hall. Humberto Lagos Schuffeneger, Director of Religious Affairs for the Presidential Secretary, visited the exhibition and praised it as “a very meaningful display that makes us reflect on the role of mothers.”[21] The Church of God in Santiago, which provided various volunteer services and donation for the community, received a plaque of appreciation from the Mayor of La Cisterna,[22][23] a citation from the Senator of Santiago,[24] a commendation from the Chilean Red Cross,[25] a plaque of appreciation and a certificate of appreciation from the City Councilor of La Cisterna.[26][27]

Citation From Santiago State Senator
Citation From Santiago State Senator

External links

  • Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial Chile
  • "The Church of God in Santiago, Chile".

See also


  1. Chile, Britannica
  2. The Spread of the Gospel from Chile Soars Across South America, WATV News, March 25, 2010
  3. Chile: aumentan a 7 los muertos por las inundaciones en Atacama, BBC News Mundo, March 26, 2015
  4. Voluntarios en Copiapó después del Alud, Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial Chile
  5. The Light of Love from Bitgoeul, Carried to Chile through Melodies, WATV News, March 25, 2010
  6. Donación de Sangre, con el Amor de la Pascua, Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial Chile
  7. Certificate of Appreciation from Director of San Borja Arriarán Clinical Hospital, WATV Awards, June 1, 2017
  8. Iglesia de Dios realizó donación de 30 cajas de alimentos para Magallanes, EL PINGUINO, June 2, 2021
  9. Donación de alimentos en la ciudad de Rancagua, Superando la COVID-19, Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial Chile
  10. Filial Rancagua:  Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial entrega cajas de alimentos al municipio de Rancagua., El Rancagüino, May 31, 2021
  11. Passover Love Shared with 7.8 Billion People: World Mission Society Church of God, Woman Chosun, May 2022
  12. Iglesia de Dios realiza una campaña en ayuda a la ciudad de Puerto Williams, Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial Chile
  13. Iglesia de Dios realiza donación de alimentos en Aysén y Coyhaique, Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial Chile
  14. Delegado participa en ceremonia de Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial, Delegación Presidencial Provincial de Antártica Chilena, September 6, 2021
  15. Entrega de alimentos: el amor cálido que llegó hasta Puerto Williams, EL PINGUINO, September 9, 2021
  16. Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial entrega apoyo al Regimiento N°21 Coquimbo, La Voz del Norte, September 2, 2020
  17. Grupo ASEZ entrega Cajas de amor en la comuna de Huechuraba, Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial Chile
  18. Primer Servicio Voluntario Realizado Por Los Jóvenes Universitarios De La Iglesia De Dios (ASEZ) En La Comuna De Conchalí, Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial Chile
  19. Medio ambiente en Santiago, Valparaíso y La Serena beneficiado por acción social de organización universitaria, Publimetro, July 31, 2019
  20. ASEZ Took a Step Toward Ridding Chile of Crime Mural painting for creating ‘crime free street’,, July 31, 2019
  21. [World Mission Society Church of God] 'Our Mother' Writing and Photo Exhibition: ‘Highlighting the Importance of Family Love and Filial Piety’, The DongA Ilbo, September 26, 2017
  22. Mayor of La Cisterna Municipality, WATV Awards, April 1, 2015
  23. Plaque of Commendation from Mayor of La Cisterna Municipality, Santiago, Chile, WATV Awards, October 18, 2013
  24. Plaque of Commendation from Senator, WATV Awards, January 1, 2014
  25. Certificate of Recognition from President of Chilean Red Cross, WATV Awards, June 1, 2017
  26. Plaque of Appreciation from Member of La Cisterna Municipal Council, WATV Awards, May 30, 2014
  27. Certificate of Appreciation from Member of La Cisterna Municipal Council, WATV Awards, October 8, 2013