Character Education of the Church of God

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The character education of the Church of God is systematically tailored to different age groups and specific audiences.
The character education of the Church of God is systematically tailored to different age groups and specific audiences.

The character education of the Church of God is grounded in the truth of the new covenant which was restored by the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, focusing on the biblical teachings regarding faith and life. The education is tailored to different age groups and specific audiences, fostering a proper understanding of the intrinsic values and mission of religion, emphasizing virtues such as love, humility, respect, and consideration, so that the members can be positive role models in both their households and society. As part of this initiative, regular publications such as Elohist, Soul, Happy Home Preparing for the Sabbath, and I Want to Be a Pretty Angel are issued, along with age-appropriate educational materials.

Overview of Character Education of the Church of God

The Bible contains the will and words of God.

The Church of God provides education based on the Bible, so that the members can live righteous and happy lives leading to salvation, by following the words of God.[1]

The Bible, recorded under the inspiration of God, serves as a guidebook for humanity, revealing the path to salvation and introducing the Savior.[2] Guided by the hope of a bright future promised by God, the members overcome adversities and trials, striving to walk a righteous path and be thoroughly equipped for every good work.[3]

The character education of the Church of God aims to imprint the teachings of the Bible in the hearts of the members and actualize them, guiding the members, as children of God, to promote goodness in their families and communities.[4]

First and foremost, the leading members entrusted with the mission of nurturing the members through the word of God devote themselves to following the example of Christ who spread the truth through humility and sacrifice. Additionally, they help the members establish correct faith on the foundation of the truth of the new covenant, participate in the divine nature as children of God,[5] so that they can be genuine believers who practice the teachings of Christ in their daily lives, rather than superficial believers who only have a form of faith.

Character Education Programs by Age Group

The Church of God operates various educational programs in diverse formats to ensure that all the members learn the truth of the new covenant so that they can be closer to God and live in His teachings as true Christians.

Education programs are tailored to various age groups and occupations, including young children, elementary school students, middle and high school students, college students, young adult workers, soldiers, and the elderly. To facilitate understanding and enlightenment of the Bible, the church conducts Sabbath School every week. Additionally, various media such as audio, video, internet, and printed materials are utilized to create an environment where the members can draw near to God’s word in their daily lives.

Education for Middle-Aged Adults

The middle-aged adults play a central role in both society and family. The Church of God conducts regular Bible education for middle-aged adult members who hold significant responsibilities as members of a family and as upstanding members of society. This education is designed to equip them with a deep understanding of God’s word, enabling them to set examples in both their households and workplaces. In addition, the Bible Preaching Contest and a training education organized by the Head Office are also provided.[6][7][8][9]

Furthermore, to enable them to play a central role in fostering happiness within their families and promoting harmony among neighbors, the church conducts “Motherhood Leadership Education” based on the teachings of the Bible. This program aims to assist the members in practicing love and consideration within their homes and society.

  • Education on Pastoral Qualification and Leadership

Pastors should serve as a living example of faith and a practicing-person of the teachings of the Bible, guiding God’s people likened to a flock of sheep, through the words of God. Participating in various training programs, such as the general assembly meeting held annually on the 1st day of the first month in the sacred calendar and frequent leadership training sessions throughout the year, they explore biblical teachings and cultivate character, faith, self-examination, and godliness as prophets. Through these programs, pastors fill their hearts with the Holy Spirit, and follow the Spirit and the Bride’s path of servanthood for the salvation of humanity. Ultimately, they are able to shoulder the mission of a prophet with the spirit of service and devotion.[10]

  • Education for Title and Position Holders, and for Teachers Guiding Children and Youth

Just as God has served mankind, teachers, position and title holders, as good exemplary leaders, learn and practice God’s love, serving and caring for spiritual brothers and sisters. For this, “Children and Youth Teacher Education” and many other regular programs are conducted.[11][12] All church members, including position or title holders, are encouraged to learn and practice “Mother Leadership,” where they cherish, serve, and love one another with a mother’s heart. This helps the heavenly family to progress toward a beautiful unity and harmony that pleases God.

Education for Young Adults

Nationwide Academic Year Opening Worship 2019
Nationwide Academic Year Opening Worship 2019
Work Mission Regular Meeting for the Second Half of 2019
Work Mission Regular Meeting for the Second Half of 2019

To cultivate upright character and virtue among future leaders, including college students, soldiers, and young adult workers, the church conducts multifaceted character education. This aims to empower them to contribute to a bright and hopeful global community. Through the programs such as education for a new academic year,[13] Happy Seminars for Workers,[14][15] young adults uphold proper etiquette in both their homes and society, and contribute to the peace and progress of the community, engaging with the world.

Church of God Young Adult Education Program
International University Student Bible Academy (IUBA) Educational Programs for University Students: University students actively engage in Bible study through regular meetings, organizing their own Bible seminars and actively participating in volunteer services on campus.
International Worker Bible Academy (IWBA) Educational Programs for Young Adult Workers: In addition to Bible education, various fields such as ethics, leadership, foreign languages, and other qualities essential for social life are covered in the education programs.
International Military Member Bible Academy (IMBA) Educational Programs for Military Members: The church supports the members serving in the military to fulfill their duties faithfully based on the teachings of the Bible, helping them contribute to society after completing their military service.

Education for Youth

Summer Youth Character Education 2017 at the New Jerusalem Temple in Pangyo, Korea)
Summer Youth Character Education 2017 at the New Jerusalem Temple in Pangyo, Korea)
As part of the Summer Student Camp Program 2018, students visit the Bohyeon Mountain Observatory to explore astronomy.
As part of the Summer Student Camp Program 2018, students visit the Bohyeon Mountain Observatory to explore astronomy.
Winter Student Camp Youth Character Education 2020 at the Church of God in Happo, Changwon, Korea)
Winter Student Camp Youth Character Education 2020 at the Church of God in Happo, Changwon, Korea)

Youth’s character, values, and ultimately their future are shaped by what they cultivate within themselves. To ensure that youth with infinite potential grow correctly under the guidance of God’s word, character education is performed, centered around the Bible.

The youth monthly magazine, Soul, and events such as the student camp held during summer and winter breaks provide programs for students, including Bible study with video sessions, tailored to their level of understanding.[16] Additionally, support is provided for youth to recognize the value of life with proper character and sensibility. This includes character lectures,[17] field trips, experiential activities, and volunteer services, aimed at broadening their perspectives. Through the summer and winter student camps, youth acquire diverse knowledge in language, etiquette, greetings, school life, and more. They also broaden their perspectives through visits to various institutions and attending exhibitions and orchestra concerts. To foster a sense of consideration toward others and help them grow into upright individuals, volunteer services are also conducted. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online student camps were organized to help students have healthy and enjoyable vacations.[18][19]

Education for Children

The children of the Church of God in New Windsor, NY, U.S., actively participate in the Sabbath School.
The children of the Church of God in New Windsor, NY, U.S., actively participate in the Sabbath School.

The Bible teaches that when one is educated with God’s word from a young age, he or she can grow into a righteous and whole individual.[3] With the increasing recognition of the importance of educating children, who is our future, the Church of God operates the Sabbath School for children aged 4 to elementary 6th grade. The Sabbath School provides opportunities for children to learn stories and lessons from the Bible. The Sabbath School utilizes age-appropriate materials based on the content of the Bible, providing fun and informative sessions to children.

Particularly, summer and winter vacation camps for elementary school students aim to provide them with fulfilling and structured breaks. The various experiential activities conducted during the camps contribute to enhancing children’s creativity and concentration. They also instill values such as the importance of family and the joy of learning in them.[20]

Support for Making a Happy Family

The Church of God educates its members through the Bible to lead happy family lives, providing various family communication programs.
The Church of God educates its members through the Bible to lead happy family lives, providing various family communication programs.

There is a saying that a home is the father’s kingdom, the mother’s world, and the children’s paradise. When there is deep consideration and love among family members, a happy family is realized. Through the monthly magazine, Happy Home Preparing for the Sabbath, the Church of God encourages families to come together for home worship, engage in everyday conversations, and practice consideration and love. Promoting harmony through various activities such as “Seminar for Happy Family” and family sports events, it helps family members think about their respective roles, express gratitude to each other, and achieve a happy home.

The Global Conference on Happy Family was held at the New Jerusalem Pangyo Temple in Korea on April 6, 2019. The pastoral staff from many countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, India, Ecuador, and Peru, gathered to explore the ways to assist the church members in achieving happy family lives.[21] During the COVID-19, various online activities were actively implemented, including the “Bible Webinar for Happy Family” and the “Flower Letter Campaign” where heartfelt messages are conveyed to family members through online letters adorned with beautiful flowers.

Teachings of Mother

The Teachings of Mother of the Church of God
The Teachings of Mother of the Church of God

The members of the Church of God engrave in their hearts the virtues such as love, looking at things beautifully, patience, and service, through the “Teachings of Mother,” which contains the guidance of God the Mother. The 13 Teachings contain the wisdom to lead a happy life.

  • As God always gives love, giving love is more blessed than receiving love.
  • When we give glory to God, that glory will be ours in the end.
  • When we look at things beautifully without hatred in our hearts, we can achieve perfect love.
  • As Abraham received more blessings when he yielded for his nephew Lot, we, too, will receive more blessings when we yield for our brothers and sisters.
  • Arrogance is feeling disappointed when our expectations are not met.
  • Although others do not work, let us work faithfully without complaining. When we work with the mindset of an owner, we can work with joy and ease.
  • Arrogance arises from a heart full of complaint. When we always serve God with gratitude, arrogance and complaint disappear and humility will dwell in our hearts.
  • When we compliment our brothers and sisters, compliments will return to us.
  • As the sea receives all the dirt and purifies it, we should have a broad and beautiful heart to embrace the faults of our brothers and sisters.
  • Whoever wants to be led by the Lamb should become a lamb smaller than the Lamb.
  • Sacrifice is needed in the process of becoming a greater vessel.
  • Even God came to serve, not to be served. When we serve one another without wanting to be served, God will be pleased.
  • We should endure present sufferings for the kingdom of heaven will be ours.


Happy Home Preparing for the Sabbath
Happy Home Preparing for the Sabbath
I Want to Be a Pretty Angel
I Want to Be a Pretty Angel


This monthly magazine contains sermons about the words of God, realizations through biblical history, and the activities of the Church of God around the world. It helps the church members grow in faith and cultivate upright character.


This monthly magazine is tailored for youth, serving as a Bible teacher imparting the teachings of the Bible in an accessible manner, and a platform providing a space for healthy communication among youth. The contributions from youth across the nation are filled with the inherent purity of youth. This magazine encourages and comforts the wavering hearts of youth during turbulent times, inspiring them to create a hopeful tomorrow.

Happy Home Preparing for the Sabbath

This monthly magazine for family communication and happiness is designed to assist the church members in conducting home worship on the day before the Sabbath. It offers diverse content aimed at promoting family happiness. The members nurture happy homes by understanding and caring for one another within the love of God, fostering understanding between parents and children and among brothers and sisters.

Sabbath School

The Sabbath School is a weekly educational program conducted by each age group on the Sabbath, and it is also the name of the Sabbath School textbook for youth and adults. The church members, through age-specific Sabbath School sessions, learn biblical history, God’s providence, and foundational knowledge of the Bible. They also share the grace of God the Creator together.

The Sabbath School textbooks for children includes two types for ages 4-5 and 6-7 titled “I Want to Be a Pretty Angel’; three types of textbooks for elementary grades 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 titled “I Like God”; and the textbook for middle and high school students, “Sabbath School (Student).”

External links

  • "Truth Education". Church of God Official Website.
  • "Character Education". Church of God Official Website.

See also
